Regardless of what we do in our lives, our why — our driving purpose, cause or belief — never changes.”

Simon Sinek

Hello everyone, and welcome to Affording Freedom! I am so thankful to have you along this journey with us. Throughout this blog, our focus will be on creating and cultivating personal and financial freedom in our day-to-day lives and the lives of others. We will cover topics such as the art of saving money and creating margin, investing, real estate, retirement, and personal development. But we aren’t going to be talking about that today. Today, we will be getting a little personal.

Full disclosure, this post will be a little different from the others you have read. Today I want to focus on Affording Freedom’s Why. Why start a blog, and what is our driving purpose behind creating and cultivating personal and financial freedom?

The Why

I have spent most of my professional career behind a desk staring at numbers on spreadsheets. Needless to say, writing anything more than an email has not been in my job description. This was not an accident because I have actively avoided any type of writing because of the fear I had of not being competent or good enough. I think if I told my old AP English teachers that I was going to start a blog, they would have laughed me out of the room. I wouldn’t blame them. In fact, if it weren’t for Grammarly, I think these articles would be so riddled with mistakes that they would probably be unreadable.

As much as I struggle with grammar, I have always loved and inhaled books. There is something about the written word that has the power to change who you are and the world around us. Literature gives perspective; it encourages, enlightens, challenges us, and allows us to better ourselves.

I love how C.S. Lewis puts it, “Literature adds to reality; it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become.” The importance of literature was never lost on me, but my own self-doubt kicked in. How do I know if an article will be valuable and worthwhile writing, let alone an entire blog?

Doubt has a funny way of distracting us from the truth. I had to recenter and ground myself on the reasons for starting this journey. The problem was instead of focusing on why I should, I focused on all the reasons I shouldn’t. After conversations with my wife and friends, listening to podcasts, and extensive reading, I had finally discovered Affroding Freedoms why:

To serve and help others elevate themselves so we can experience all that life has to offer free of chains and condemnation.

It is worth writing to me if this blog can motivate, guide, rejuvenate, help, heal, cultivate curiosity, or remind someone that we are not in this journey alone. Life is hard enough as is and we hope this blog provides hope and shows there is always a way forward.

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a
listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all
of which have the potential to turn a life around.” – Leo F. Buscalgia